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The Order of the Arrow is Scouting's National Honor Society.
I was tapped out in the 1980's in Karankawa Lodge 307, Gulf Coast Council (now South Texas Council). In early 2005 I got reconnected with the Order of the Arrow and was invited to Cuyahoga Lodge 17's Spring Fellowship (April) where I participated as a Brotherhood candidate.
It seems odd to some that as a Cub Scout Den Leader I would wear the Lodge flap, but having completed my Ordeal as a youth, once I paid my dues in my local lodge, I continued my active membership.
Cuyahoga Lodge 17 is Greater Cleveland Council's local lodge.
My father is a Vigil member. He encouraged me to complete Brotherhood, saying that of the three ceremonies, Brotherhood was the most meaningful.
When I arrived that weekend, I knew the name and face of one person, Steve Volk, the Lodge Chief. By the end of the weekend I knew many more. We stood in a circle and were asked to describe what Brotherhood meant to each of us. I was nearly moved to tears when it came to my turn. I looked around the circle to the others who went through the process with me and I described how readily I had been welcomed and accepted.
Except for a few, the names are beginning to fade, but not the faces. These days I'll be in a group of Scouts and Scouters and see someone from that weekend or one of the subsequent ones and we'll remember. Remember the fellowship, the camping, the service to our camp.
I found these Thoughts on Brotherhood and Fellowship meaningful and accurate.
OA's Strategic Plan
The Order's Strategic Plan outlines a legacy of servant leadership.

Link to the national Official OA Web Site

© 2001-2010 Jeffrey D Gifford