Recently in Quarter Post Category


Number 17 reverse.pngBenjamin Franklin Bridge.pngHere's a nice Philadelphia found at the concession stand at Campbell's Field, just over the river from Philadelphia itself.

The field is beautifully situated, with the Benjamin Franklin bridge as backdrop to the outfield and a sliver of Philadelphia nicking thePhiladelphia nicking the skyline.png western skyline.

It was a near-perfect day to be at the ballgame. Mid-seventies, wonderful sunshine (ok, too much sunshine), an occasional cloud or two. Oh, and did I mention that the Riversharks won? That's always a good day, when the hometeam wins.


Yes, there are others.


Yes, there are others.


My youngest son found this Philadelphia on the ground at the pool Monday near the concession stand.


Number 14 Reverse.jpgHere's a worn Denver my wife picked up at Pat Catan's in Bedford, Ohio on the last day of May. She didn't notice she had it until we were looking for quarters to feed Cleveland Heights' notorious meters while out to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel at The Cedar-Lee Theatre on Saturday, June 2nd.

One of the fun things about this find is that Bedford is the hometown of Archibald Willard, the painter of "The Spirit of '76" which also depicts a colonial drummer. According to Walter Breen, the quarter design "obviously" derives from Willard's centennial painting [Wikipedia].

In any event, I'm appreciative of the find—it's been way too long (nearly a full year!) since the previous one.

It would seem I need to spend more cash or generate more change.

I'll see what I can do to speed up finding number 15.


Number 13My eldest son is a Boy Scout in Troop 403 and every spring they have a Strawberry Festival for the Scouts to raise money for Summer Camp. This year we bought seven tickets (we had a guest). I think most of us had vanilla ice cream with strawberry goodness poured over all of it.

And then there are delectable goodies to enjoy as well: various cakes and cookies and brownies.

If you're not careful, it's quite easy to go over your calorie limits for the day!

My daughter approached me and asked for another ticket (she thought I had a pocket full). Instead, I pulled out a fiver (for ticket number eight) and insisted she return the change. (I've found you've got to be explicit or it never comes back.)

It's a good thing I did or I might not have ever seen this Philadelphia, number 13.


Number 12 ReverseYesterday's change after lunch at Akron's Spaghetti Warehouse included this prize.

And to think I was so close to using my debit card!

I always find Akron's street grid very confusing. This time I came from the north on Route 8 (versus west/south on i77/i76) and to complicate matters, something was going on at Canal Park that had the street blocked off.

But I found the place and enjoyed a great lunch (the 15-Layer Lasagna is excellent, but beware the 1,051 calories!) with an old colleague, spending the time catching up on old office gossip and swapping job opportunity information.


Number 11 ReverseI was at our local outdoor supply store yesterday, Appalachian Outfitters and received this one in change.

If you've never been there before, you should check them out. They have just about everything you'll need on a campout, whether you're car-camping, tent-camping, backpacking or just want to look cool.

My, it's been a long time (August 2010) since we found one of these.


$2.50 - 1976D obverseMy wife found a 1976P bicentennial in her change at the snack hut at the zoo.

We had taken the day off to visit the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. We saw some skilligimink cotton candy, some pink flamingos, some giraffes and generally had a good time.

Mondays are "free" days for residents of Cuyahoga County (meaning that we pay via our various taxes).

Don't tell anyone, but we were really there to squash some pennies for the children's collections.


The bicentennial quarter, the lions, tigers, bears and oh my, the koalas, flamingos, kangaroos and butterflies were all bonuses.


$2.25 - 1976D obverseWhat's nicer than finding a bicentennial quarter in a quarter roll?

Finding a second one in the second roll!

Although we didn't find any silver quarters or 2009 District of Columbia and United States Territories quarters, we did find this nice bicentennial Denver mint quarter.

And since that's what we're looking for right now, that's what we needed and it joins the others.

Be sure to check out the new histogram and the map!

The Map

See a map showing where each quarter was found!

The Histogram

See the histogram showing the time between finds!