
Number 13My eldest son is a Boy Scout in Troop 403 and every spring they have a Strawberry Festival for the Scouts to raise money for Summer Camp. This year we bought seven tickets (we had a guest). I think most of us had vanilla ice cream with strawberry goodness poured over all of it.

And then there are delectable goodies to enjoy as well: various cakes and cookies and brownies.

If you're not careful, it's quite easy to go over your calorie limits for the day!

My daughter approached me and asked for another ticket (she thought I had a pocket full). Instead, I pulled out a fiver (for ticket number eight) and insisted she return the change. (I've found you've got to be explicit or it never comes back.)

It's a good thing I did or I might not have ever seen this Philadelphia, number 13.

The Map

See a map showing where each quarter was found!

The Histogram

See the histogram showing the time between finds!