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Jack Frost

I love my little garret office, with a few exceptions, anyway. This morning it was -12°F outside, warm for some folks and quite cold for us. Inside the house, the thermostat was set to 62°F, the normal nighttime temperature for us. My office, however, was 57°F. That's quite cold for typing. I found my pair of ¾-finger gloves, put on my hat and went to work. A few hours later, the sun rose and I got quite a dazzling spectacle on my eastern window as the ice patterns laid down by Jack Frost during the night were illuminated and began to sparkle.

A few hours later, it wasn't so spectacular, but still pretty enough that I wanted to snap a picture (see nearby).

Meanwhile, the temperature had risen to nearly 70°F and I had shed the gloves and hat. Downstairs it was 68°F, which is just about where we want it during the day when people are present.

The frost, which had formed on the inside pane of the storm window, was starting to melt. Perhaps as the sun heads west I'll be able to watch it freeze again.

I suspect that as the day wears on (and after my lunch break), I'll notice a decline in the temperature and will need to re-apply the gloves and hat.

Quite nice at the moment, though. In my little garret office!


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