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Cross-stitch update: train crossing

Ages ago I started a two-part cross-stitch project with a train and a train-crossing sign. It was supposed to be framed in some little heart things that I just couldn't get my brain around. Hearts and trains!?

I struggled for a long time with even finishing, mostly because of the time commitment. There are only so many hours in the day, even for folks who wake up early. I'd get a half-hour or so during some lunch breaks. One day I had someone walk by my office and do a double-take—"What are you doing sewing a post-it note?" I had fun explaining that one.

One day I attended a meeting where I was expected to be one of the only live participants. A dear friend also attended and the rest were on the phone. I pulled out my cross-stitch and got busy. Until a third participant showed up in the room.

Well, I finally finished both parts and tried to figure out what to do. I ended up cutting a round piece of cardboard, used some 3M spray adhesive to fix the Aida fabric to the cardboard and then cut out the cloth. Big mistake. I should have left some on the edges. A little white glue and some black satin cord fixed the problem, though. It looks fairly nice (if I do say so myself) hanging on that little red thread.

This one was a bit tougher than some of the others. The count is higher, making for a finer stitch. There are also some "french knots" which frequently give me fits.

My train nut friend seemed to like it. Ended up being a late birthday/Christmas present.

I don't think he recognized it from the meeting, though.


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