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Other generations

I just finished recommissioning a pair of overalls that has seen duty for thirty-some years already. Given the wear marks on the knees and shins as well as the bottom, it appears I wore them as a crawler and young walker. They're soft, blue corduroy with a brown, red and blue plaid lining. Besides their origin (my mother), what makes them super special is the name patch on the front. I vaguely remember hearing that it came from my father's brother's uniform, but perhaps that's just a myth.

They came to me this week in need of some buttons. My youngest son and I were out shopping Wednesday and found a near-perfect match—near enough for me, anyway.

It appears my wife has plans to let our youngest daughter have a go at them and the straps over the shoulders needed letting out. In hindsight, I'm not sure why we didn't move the buttons that are already there: I see evidence that where they are now is not the original location. So now there are two rows of buttons. The card we bought had five so the fifth is hiding inside the front in case repairs are needed.

This spring will see our youngest in them; perhaps in another twenty years we'll see them covering another generation.


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