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Lake County Bicentennial Barn

The Lake County Bicentennial Barn is in the middle of homes and businesses not very far from Lake Erie. Lake County Bicentennial Barn

We planned this barn around a trip to Willoughby Brewing Company for lunch with Mr. Lee who lives in the area and accompanied us to the barn. The round trip total is approximately fifty miles.

The painted side of the barn is visible from Munson Road but I don't recommend stopping there. A small church is just to the west of the barn and we took advantage of their ample parking and midweek emptiness for a few minutes. While Munson is busy, there is a bike lane that give pedestrians just that added bit of space.

Afterward, we took the long way back to Mr. Lee's house and visited a very pretty yellow barn on Baldwin Road, just north of the Episcopal Church there.


We're using a few things as resources. Christina Wilkinson's Bicentennial Barns of Ohio is what started this whole quest and has many pictures, directions and some history of each edifice. Mike's Ohio Bicentennial Barns website on the subject also provides directions and longitude and latitude for each. Of course, no road trip would be complete without using Google Maps for some part of the journey.


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