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Buckeye Trail Segments Hiked

Here's a map showing the segments of the Buckeye Trail that I have hiked.

View Buckeye Trail Segments Hiked in a larger map

Everett to Botzum
9/20/2008, whole family
Boston Store to Pine Lane Trailhead
10/17/2009, with Troop 403
11/8/2009, whole family
1/1/2010, JDG, JRG, EMG, BIG, JMG, DRG
9/18/2010, JDG, JRD, BIG and continued to Tow Path Trail and back to Boston Store
Pine Lane Trailhead to Tow Path Trail (Peninsula)
2/14/2010, JDG, BIG, EMG
9/18/2010, JDG, JRD, BIG
Headlands Beach State Park
10/25/2009, whole family
Bedford Reservation, Bridal Veil to Gorge Overlook
11/7/2009, Pack 4
Bedford Metroparks, Northfield to Richmond
10/30/2009, whole family


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 26, 2009 10:12 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Backpacker prepration.

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