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Warner & Swasey Observatory

Warner & Swasey Observatory On my way somewhere else in late August 2006, I found this amazing building at the top of a hill in East Cleveland Ohio. From a functional perspective, it was easily identified: an observatory. As a recent immigrant to the area, it wasn't as easy to figure out what, exactly, I'd stumbled into.

After some on-site snooping and with Google as my friend, I began to put together the story.

There is very little original research I can add to the conversation and so I will be content to simply post some pictures and some links.


Here are some other sites that have more to share on this incredible building:

I would have loved to turn it into a private residence myself, so I may understand some of Nayyir Al Mahdi's desire for this place.

Can you imagine attending lectures in this auditorium?

Warner & Swasey Observatory Auditorium

Or how about using this entrance?

Warner & Swasey Observatory Entrance

It's just a beautiful old building.

Warner & Swasey Observatory

Many thanks to Bridget Callahan and her recent Warner & Swasey post (about the building where the telescopes were made) for reminding me of this trip to the Observatory.


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