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Book: "I.M. Wright's 'Hard Code'"

I think this will be more of a "ramblings on the book "I.M. Wright's 'Hard Code'" than a full review.

I picked it up for a number of reasons. One is that it was from Microsoft Press and I'd never read anything from them before. Another is that I always enjoy reading The Mythical Man-Month and this seems to be in a similar vein. I'm not sure where I first heard about it since it isn't on Slashdot (yet).

No matter, it's a great book and I have already been challenged to rethink certain things because of its pages, for example the relationship between a developer and a tester (or in my situation, an engineering resource and an operations resource). He goes into some detail about why this is such an Odd Couple relationship and makes a very good case for why (and how) the relationship should be improved.

More on this later, including (I hope) some best quotes. Oh, and since I'm finishing it soon, what to read next?


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