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For lease: Tiffany & Co. Box

For lease: One small, 3"x3"x1.37" blue "Tiffany & Co." jewelry box with suede pouch.

Upgrade any sterling jewelry instantly with this iconic blue box—she'll think you shopped at Tiffany's and you'll get a significant savings. Double bonus points!

For only seven dollars a week* (plus round-trip shipping), you can lease this beautiful blue box, its pouch and the original padding. That's only a dollar a day! (Return in mint condition at the end of your lease to have your $55 deposit fee refunded.) Please note that you may need multiple weeks to sneak the box back from your wife.

*Offer good only until the original contents are paid off.

Note to trolling lawyers: This blog posting is a spoof. A funny one, but not one I expect to be taken seriously! If you insist that I take it down, I'll consider your argument below in the comments. But I think I'm covered under the "parody is free speech" stuff. (By the way, my relatives all thought this is how I got the box in the first place—I have a receipt around here somewhere. . . .)


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 26, 2008 12:01 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Someone didn't read the book.

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