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Comfort and joy

I've been hesitant to discuss our cat on these pages mostly because google.com tells me there are some 4.5 million pages of "cat blogs" out there already.

A quick recap, then the story. Sandie is a shelter cat that we've had for a little over a year now. The first few months she spent in the basement, refusing to come up. Now she thinks she's a full-fledged member of the family.

Whenever I create a lap, she comes over to investigate, climbs up and proceeds to catnap. Most of the time she is fine, however, dinner time and laptop time are both difficult to manage with a cat in your lap, resting on one arm, peacefully purring and warming up one's middle.

Like right now, for example.

Silly cat. You'd be warmer by the fire or the radiator. And you wouldn't have to put up with me moving my arm every so often.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 22, 2008 5:56 AM.

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The next post in this blog is For lease: Tiffany & Co. Box.

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