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Small-town crossing

Crossing St. Clair in the morning from Mall B to Mall A (Cleveland, Ohio) is frequently an exciting exercise. There is a crosswalk for those wishing to cross the five lanes (two westbound, two eastbound and a turning lane) however five lanes is a long way to go when you're playing chicken with multiple instances of steel and plastic weighing two thousand pounds each.

As I approached the crosswalk this morning there was another walker considering the distance. I may be a daredevil but my strategy is usually to consider the oncoming traffic for obvious gaps and upon seeing none, I barge forward and stare the vehicles down.

"Fortune favors the bold" I quoted to the man standing there as I stepped out. "Besides, there's a law in Ohio that they must stop."

Turns out he's from out of town and "In New York, they'd never stop—they'd have killed you."

Too true," I agreed and welcomed him to Cleveland."

Something to think about—another reason for enjoying our small(er)-town living.


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