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Lost some neighbors

I'm not sure why this is impacting me so much. I mean, they moved in last October and we didn't really know they were there until we helped dig them out this March after the huge snow storm this year.

Today is their last day in their house. We had them over once. Talked over the fence a few times. He wants to build a boat. They have a little girl. They're friendly. They drive a Honda. He has a nice tool shop (bandsaw, etc.). They didn't seem to hate us.

Not sure why I pinned some hopes on a friendship.

Now they're moving to Georgia. I hope their house sells quickly and they get what they want.

Godspeed, Troy and Tracy.


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Comments (1)

Tony Gonzalez:

Amazingly enough we have good neighbors, but I feel like we really have not struck deep friendships yet. We moved to Tomball, Houston Northwest, 4 years ago.

i have lots of co-workers, my friends are either from church or college, my wife has made a lot of new spanish speaking friends, she is taking classes in one of the community colleges around here.

by the way, you way want to consider joining the Pan Am group in facebook. that has helped me reconnect with old friends.


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