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Starbucks update

For the record, I have darkened the doors of my local Starbucks a couple of times these past weeks, all with someone else around. Yes, they were social visits, not coffee visits. To some, that may not be much of a distinction. The goal was to sit and talk with someone for a while, not to drink coffee. In fact, I couldn't even tell you what I got. This whole issue remains, not a boycott of anything but rather, a simplification of a lifestyle habit.

Yesterday's Wall Street Journal has an article "New Starbucks Brew Attracts Customers, Flak" in which we hear that the new Pike Place Roast coffee "has perked up the company's sales by attracting new business, but has alienated a small yet vocal group of longtime patrons." That's not really why I'm not drinking coffee these days, but I think it helps illustrate one of my points: pursuit of the perfect cup of coffee (or "Coffee!" as I've posted earlier) is a difficult business and one person's perfection is another's filth.

It was the pursuit that was wearing me down, both in my own home, playing with all the variables and in my Starbucks, hoping for the perfect cup each day.

I just finished breakfast and a cup of tea. Simple and sufficient.


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