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Lost in Cleveland Heights

This red-hot Mexican Fiesta was seen on Coventry in Cleveland Heights Sunday afternoon, perhaps a bit "lost".

Click on the picture for a slightly larger view.

Tamaulipas is a state on the border of Texas and Mexico. From what I can gather on the web, Mante Ford is in the town of Reynosa, on Mante street.

Perhaps the plates were mailed to them. Or perhaps they're really, really lost: a red-hot Mexican Fiesta on its way to celebrate something somewhere.

Many of my high-school classmates are from Mexico; one is reported to read this blog from time to time. Perhaps he can comment? Otoniel?


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Tony Gonzalez:

This appears to be from a dealership in Ciudad Mante. A mid-size city in Tamaulipas.

I've been to Reynosa more than what I would like to admit and I think the dealership in Reynosa is on the highway to Monterrey and not on Mante Street.

I also have fun spotting cars with Mexican License plates. Drivers seems lost in Houston, for whatever reason!

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