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Benjamin climbs a tree

The say that the best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago and that the second-best time is today. I planted this lovely maple before we left Wandle, so in 2001 or 2002. Of course it was just a little sapling at the time and look at it now!

That's Benjamin way up there. I gave him a boost to get to the first branch and coached him on some of the finer points of where to place his hands and feet, but he did all the work. We talked about what size branches he should trust and why it is important to put your feet and hands close to the trunk, if possible.

And of course, I stepped away to take some neat-looking pictures, too. Sometimes a boy needs his space, you know.

Afterward, he showed me the scratch he got while up there. That's what summers are for, you know. Climbing trees, getting scratches, being outside. Stuff like that.

If it isn't totally clear, I'm very proud of him. It's a nice tree, sure, and it is very nice for climbing. But it needed to be climbed and Ben was the guy to do it.

When we go back, there's an oak in a different part of the yard that he ought to try. I'll bet he can do that one, too. I planted that one, too, about the same time. I remember it was raining and George (a neighbor) brought over these two volunteers that were coming up in his bushes. The oak had a bit of a twist to it (which you can still see, a bit). Now it is a very handsome tree. A bit worn and abused by the tenants, but both trees are very nice. Makes me wonder sometimes why we left.

Take a close look at this picture (click on it for a larger image). Ben is hiding in there somewhere! The camera I used (my BB) isn't the best for this sort of thing and it was a brightly-lit day to begin with. Honest, he's in there! It's amazing how wonderfully this tree has turned out. It is a perfect maple shape, very dense foliage and seems quite healthy. I was going to bring it some dirt for around its roots (which are seeming a bit bare at the moment.)


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