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St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Cleveland Heights has just amazing architecture within its bounds. St. Paul's Episcopal Church is just one example.

This picture is of their bell tower. It is reported to be 150 feet tall and holds Seabrook chimes.

Boy Scout Troop 22 meets in their dining room every Monday night at 7:30. This past Thursday I had the chance to descend even further and go into the basement. You're so far underneath this building that you'd expect it to be nothing but a crawlspace. And yet you're so far underneath this building that you're under the parking lot and the room is a voluminous cavern.

The way the building is organized does allow for a rather enormous boiler room. But I'd like to emphasize the word enormous.

The architecture (not the boiler room!) is just incredible. You can read more about it in this Cleveland Heights Landmark Brochure, landmark #12, pg12.


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