I like a bit of weather.
That sounds silly, given that we always have weather, of one sort of another. Maybe what I mean is that I appreciate different weather that gets you jumping. Or maybe what I mean is that I enjoy the fact that the weather is always changing. It's like visiting someplace new just because the weather rolled out a new fog for us to enjoy.
My enjoyment is probably helped by the fact that I take RTA, Cuyahoga County's public transportation. I can stand in the rain at 6:18 am, catch a bus to downtown, walk to the old May Company building and be inside by 7:00 am (most days, unless I stop for coffee).
Well, after a very productive lunch discussion yesterday (Tuesday), I walked over to my 6th floor window (shared with all the other people on the north end of the floor), looked out over Public Square and couldn't find Key Tower. Some cat just took it away. Gone. Not even a hole in the ground. The Solders and Sailors Monument was still there and I think I saw Old Stone Church (both pictured nearby). But Key Tower was just gone.
I figure that the scenes all existed before I started carrying my wife's camera, but somehow, with it in my satchel, I caught more of them.
So here are two pictures of downtown Cleveland in the 2/5/2008 fog taken around 1pm, facing northwest from the sixth floor of the old May Company building.
And a zoom shot of a Cleveland Mounted Police Officer taken from the southwest corner of the southeast quadrant of Public Square (near the Soldiers and Sailors monument). He's situated on the southeast corner of the southwest quadrant, with Tower City Center behind him.