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Pond Sailor: Cricket

This past Christmas I received a Cricket pond sailor from Seaworthy Small Ships as a gift from my children. (They must have picked her up at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum when we were there in October; they have a store on your way out.)

After spending entirely too much time working on it, she's finished and I'm quite happy with her. I must add that the time spent on her was entirely my choice; I could have finished it ages ago except for the multiple coats of paint, the carefully crafted sails (and the dozen projects that interrupted us).

She's an eleven-inch sloop with an adjustable mainsail and jib. I've not taken her out for any maiden voyages (water around here gets sorta stiff this time of year) but she cuts a nice figure on my workbench (shown) and on my bedside table (not shown).

We thought that since she's a Cricket, she needed a cricket on her mainsail, so found some image on the `net that we traced with a fine-point Sharpie.

I have visions of taking her the twelve blocks from my place of employment in downtown Cleveland to Voinovich Bicentennial Park and letting her ply the waters alongside the Good Time III and the steamship William G. Mather during my lunch break. Alas, that will need to wait a while until the water warms up (or I get cabin fever badly enough).

Comments (1)

Alan Speakman:



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 22, 2008 7:38 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Project: Belaying Cleats.

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