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Grace: Cub Scout Promise

Grace, as in the prayer offered before a meal. Cub Scout Promise, as in

I promise to do my best
To do my duty to God and my country,
To help other people, and
To obey the Law of the Pack.
I was asked to provide the grace before our Cub Scout Camping Kickoff yesterday morning. I have a prayer based on the Boy Scout Oath, but not the Cub Scout equivalent and so, after Googling for one turned up nothing, I sat down to create one.
Grant, O God, that this food help us to do our best,
May our understanding of your goodness help us to do our duty to you and our country,
May the inspiration of our friends spur us to help other people,
And may the desire to do Your will help us to obey the law of the pack.

Feel free to use as you need. If there's something about the theology that you don't like, drop me a line or leave me a comment. Let's discuss.


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