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Too cold, too dark

I suppose I'm conflicted. This time of year I like it cold, crisp and bright outside and warm, moist and bright inside. (I'd really rather be sailing, but that's another thing.)

Like Anna at little.red.boat, I'm a bit impacted by the dark gray skies and short days. (I sometimes read little.red.boat simply because of the little red boat graphic.) Seasonal Affective Disorder is a bummer and so I might huddle under my "happy light" more in the next few months than I ordinarily would.

And now I remember that tonight the US Congress has inflicted a "Fall Back" maneuver on the timepiece. Daylight Savings Time ends (or begins, I forget which) tomorrow at 2am Eastern. Having saved nothing in terms of energy (which the bill/law was supposed to do) and expended tons in terms of effort (to update computer systems, etc.), we merrily go our way into the darkness that is Fall in NE Ohio.


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