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Safely arrived

Somehow, without breaking the sound barrier, we managed to make it to Grandmother's house shortly after lunch-ish time. There was a brush fire under a bridge for the other lanes and that caused a rubber-necking delay; other than that, we almost flew.

Traffic felt light for a Thanksgiving day. I half-expected bumper-to-bumper traffic and long lines at the pump. As it was, it felt about the same as any other trip.

Now Thanksgiving dinner, well, that was something else. We had turkey, garlic mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, red stuff, two different types of green beans, lima beans and copious amounts of wine and water. I brought a 2005 Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon that was delicious. Of course we started with a sparkling Chardonnay from someplace west. And then we moved over to a 2005 Chardonnay from Texas. Yum, yum, all around.


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