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Taken for a ride

KT in the bike trailerKT and I were tasked with grocery shopping yesterday.

Well, actually it started the evening before with a "can we go bike riding tomorrow?" sort of plea.

Why not mix them together!?

When it was all collected, purchased and back home, we had the following items:

2 large pumpkins
2 bottles of wine
4 16oz jars of Little Italy Pasta Sauce (yumm!)
2 bags of pretzels
1 pound of roast beef
1 pound of sliced cheddar
2 pounds of butter
1/2 gallon of milk
2 pounds of apples
and probably some other stuff.

Oh, and a gumball.

It was a good trip.

But what made it fun was having KT along!


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 12, 2010 9:48 AM.

The previous post in this blog was BT Hike: Frazee House to Richmond.

The next post in this blog is Early Fall at Shaker Lakes.

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