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Early Fall at Shaker Lakes

Shaker LakesHomeschool was over for the day. Resumes had been posted. Emails had been sent to potential employers. Networking calls had been made. It was Friday, October 8th.

In short, the school-week and work-week were done. It was time to get out of the house.

About this time of Fall in Cleveland, we start joking about "the last nice day of the year". Unfortunately, it's not always a joke and it's very rarely funny. Sometimes we can get a dozen more nice days and sometimes we find that they're all behind us.

So it's important to catch them when you can.

And thinking that this might be the last one helps to heighten the enjoyment of each remaining one.

It's like discovering more M&M's in the bottom of your supposedly empty bag.

We live about a mile north of Shaker Lake and so it's a quick walk through the neighborhood to the path that goes around this lake (the lower lake on Doan Brook).

Too close to ignore on this beautiful, last nice day of the year.


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