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Forest Point & Pine Grove Trails (Cuyahoga Challenge)

The HikersThe weather was perfect today for our first hike in the Cuyahoga Challenge. I'm not sure why we always wait so long to start but we do.

millipedeWe saw lots of different trees (tulip, oak, maple, sassafras, pine, cherry, shagbark hickory and others), several millipedes, a toad or two, a deer, some yellow/brown slugs and a pretty grey speckled one, various fungi and some bird feathers.

toadwindow into decayWe heard chickadees, woodpeckers, flickers and chipmunks.

And only saw one other person on the trail.

And it was a good hike.

The Forest Point & Pine Grove Trails (approximately 2.3 miles) can be found near the Octagon Shelter in the Virginia Kendall Unit (pdf) of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.


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