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Wandle Fawn

Wandle Fawn (morning)This week also saw a fawn visit us.

Yep, in the middle of a suburb, near a busy road and right on a busy intersection, a very new fawn spent the day in our flower garden.

There are some woods a couple of blocks north on Southwick and some more woods a couple of blocks west of Broadway (and over the railroad tracks). But still, this was quite surprising to see a young fawn just sitting by the side of the house all day.

You can see my excavations nearby as I had started work on the sidewalk widening project. We had planned to go fishing that day, but wanted to adjust the dehumidifier before setting out. So I jumped in the house, checked things out, then went to close and lock the door. It was then that I saw the little guy, took some pictures and had the kids come check it out.

Wandle Fawn (afternoon)Of course, I had to Tweet about it and it got picked up by a couple of people.

Never did I think that it would still be there when we came back for lunch, some interior cleanup, painting and general getting-things-ready and then dinner and S'mores later on.

Mom must have come by that evening and retrieved it because it wasn't there the next morning. At least that's what we hoped happened.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy fawn. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy fawn. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy fawn. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy fawn.


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