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Glacier Ridge District Dinner

This week was the Glacier Ridge District Dinner and my wife and I attended, partly to get out of the house but also to introduce her to some of the Scouters I hang with when I'm out of the house.

Last year's dinner was fun—I was awarded the William D. Boyce New Unit Organizer Award for starting up Pack 4 at St. Paul's Episcopal. You don't see many of them out there as part of a Scouter's "fruit salad". I originally wasn't going to apply for it, but after all the work that was put into it, I figured I had earned it! (Starting a new unit can be really, really hard.)

Pack 4 continues to meet, go on outings and thrive. We could do with a little more advancement, but that will come in time. (All the Tigers are expected to earn their Tiger badge before the end of the month!)

I had also completed my two years as a Cub Scouter and was eligible for the Cub Scouter Award, but for some reason, it didn't come through in time.

Well, this year it arrived. I learned this past year while coaching Pack 4's Cubmaster that I'll never be a Cubmaster—it's just not a role that I can perform—I'm very much the Den Leader type! The Cub Scouter is the one of only three Cub Scout leader knots that require two-year tenures and Cubmaster is one of them (Pack Trainer is the other). I could see myself as a Pack Trainer after the current Tiger moves on to Boy Scouts in a few years.

So that was exciting to receive this year!

Before my loyal readers dismiss these as meaningless "bling", I'd like to point out that by working on the knots, performing the required activities and training, etc., a leader can't help but provide a good program for the boys. It's just not (knot?) possible. So yes, many leaders do it for the "bling", but in reality, we're doing it for the boys. They get a better program when all these things come together.

It was also extremely fun to receive my Tiger Cub Den Leader award, one I had worked on this past year with my current Tiger.

I had questioned my eligibility but my Unit Commissioner insisted that I had met the goals. It had been a rough year as I wore multiple hats (the work of building and maturing Pack 4 continues). We need a strong Bears leader and I will be taking them into Webelos on June 1st.

(Yikes! That's just a few weeks away!!)

The real surprise, though was the District Award of Merit. Rob Fischer, the Cubmaster at Pack 71, was the first to receive his. It was loads of fun to hear them announce his accomplishments, list out all he has been doing for his Unit, the District and Scouting in general.

I was particularly proud because he's a Cub Scouter: all too often we're (perceived as) minor members of Scouting. And Rob Fischer is a worthy recipient for all he has done with District Day Camp over the years. I was proud to add my applause to the resounding thunder.

What surprised me was the second award. At first, it sounded like it might have been another leader at one of the units I serve (Packs 2, 4 and 11), but it soon became clear that they were listing some of my accomplishments (committee chair, den leader, WRC director, trails coordinator, unit commissioner, district trainer, round-table guy, unit organizer, etc.). Fun, embarrassing and rewarding, all at the same time.

Well, I lived through it and now have to decide how/if to sew them on. I have four already (Eagle, Den Leader, Webelos Leader and Boyce) and getting another three jumps me to a third row. I might leave one off for a while.

I'd better get out the needle.


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Comments (1)


I don't recall these badges being awarded or worn way back in the 50s or early 60s, with the exception of wood badge. Too bad. There were several adult leaders I knew who certainly deserved some recognition. Maybe they were awarded and I wasn't aware of it. Regardless, congratulations!

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