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Backpacker prepration

My son's Scout Troop has planned a backpacker at Oil Creek Pennsylvania for this coming weekend. It's really just an overnighter, heading out early Saturday morning and returning Sunday evening, but it involves packing everything in for 5 miles and then packing everything out for 8 miles.

I'm planning on bringing my White Box alcohol stove to see how it functions in low temperatures. I'll also bring my WhisperLite Internationale since I know it will work.

This will be a bit of a different trip in at least one sense: my dad is coming! Yes, I convinced Dad that he'd enjoy this and so he and Mom are making the trip to Ohio only for him to turn around and go hiking in the snow in PA for 36 hours.

It should be a good trip and I'm looking forward to it.

Expect to hear more when I come back.


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