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Project: Box II, more work on the Tortoise

Well, Sunday saw no activity on the Tortoise (although we did get KrazyKat out on LaDue Reservoir).

Since last time

Monday saw us build another transom and add some framing to both. We also traced out the hull bottom but didn't cut it yet.

Tuesday saw some action. We gang-clamped the two side panels together and got out the belt sander which made short work of the inconsistencies between the two panels. The table saw made short work of the two bevels we needed for the fore and aft transoms. (Bolger calls both transoms.)

Box II Stern/Transom

We set up the saw horses in the back yard and extended them with 2x4s to be wider than the three feet beam of this boat. The longest Bessey K-body clamps in the shop had to be called upon for the clamping action. Got some Titebond III and some 1¼" stainless deck screws helped coax the side panels to stay attached to the bow stern transom.

We ran out of time before bedtime had to be respected. There are now three panels attached and it is starting to look like its predecessor.

What's next

We'll next add the stern bow transom to the mix and then add the bottom. We've decided to fiberglass the joints, partly to add to the waterproofing but also to add some wear resistance (this boat sees a lot of abuse). When that's done we'll flip her over (she's turtle now) and add an afterdeck (per plans) and a foredeck (per my heart's desire), both with coamings. Oh and a mast step, possible from the original Box.

No work on Wednesday (swim meet) and none likely on Thursday (Microsoft taking us to see Up). Perhaps more on Friday. We had planned a hull test at Shadow Lake on Saturday. I doubt she'll have paint by then.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 24, 2009 9:39 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Project: Box II, closed in the hull.

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