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The Cub Scouts in Pack 4 went sledding at Forest Hill Park. The park is huge at about 235 acres and is just full of trees and ravines and all sorts of wild places.

The location we chose for the sledding day is the site of an old Rockefeller home with a view to Lake Erie. It was built in the late 1870's as a sanitarium and converted in 1881 to Rockefeller summer home. More information can be found here. The story goes that it accidentally burned in the early 1900's and today it is difficult to find much evidence that it was there.

The slope on the western side of the homestead drops about 60' in this short run, making for a great sledding experience. You can see the three park benches on the right (east) of the map (below) at the top of the hill. The run goes west (to the left) and could go all the way to the parking lot (way off the map) if you have enough speed. Typically, one stops at about where the map's field ends.

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Update (20090128): xkcd has a posting today on some of the physics of sledding including a discussion on using a GPS to determine sled speed!


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