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Pocket change

One of the more obvious examples of change is the kind found in one's pocket.

I'm what I call a "change minimalist". I don't relish walking around with loads of change in my pocket. And yes, it is only ever in one pocket: my left. (Is this too much information or only what's needed to make a point?)

My left pocket, because my BlackBerry is in my right one. And why announce to the world that you're walking toward them? Why make any more noise as you walk around than you need? (Does this also apply to blogging?)

So what becomes of all my change? At work, I have a spot in a drawer that I sometimes raid when there's enough in it for a cookie or some other treat. At home, there's a big jar on my dresser that receives all my change. In the car, there's a small, 20 dram medicine vial for quarters and dimes (meter feeders).

Just about all change is inspected. Quarters are evaluated for the State Quarter Collections (five in our house). Pennies are inspected for wheatbacks and various Canadian varieties. All non zinc-copper alloy coins are inspected for copper-clad status and silver instances are retained. Nickles' ages are inspected, along with that tell-tale mint mark over the rotunda. And if you're a `76 quarter: look out—I'm compiling a roll of you.

Change that sticks around too long (like pennies) ends up at Zagara's where they have a cool change collector. (If you choose to be paid in an Amazon card, the machine won't charge you a surcharge.)

But overall, I'd rather not carry around loads of change. It's never enough to accomplish what you want/need/desire and it just makes too much noise.

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