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Note from the Boat Show

I was challenged to defend my comment from yesterday that the attendance at the Cleveland Boat Show was lagging prior years' attendance. Challenged in a friendly way, of course. (I'd have preferred 20 paces at dawn over at Wendy Park, but that's not to be these days.)

So here's my definition of "light attendance": OK, I don't actually have one. But a survey on both Monday (noon to 6pm) and Tuesday (6pm to 9pm) showed that fully one out of every two people stopping by were wearing exhibitor badges. And the place was empty. Not even Capt'n Willie was drawing them in.

When I would walk around looking at other booths, a third of the booths were un-peopled and their exhibitors were walking around looking at other booths. The people visiting booths were exhibitors, too.

While that doesn't provide proper numeric analysis, suffice it to say that it was very light while I was present. I'll dig around for some ticket sales numbers.


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