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Chipping away at the glacier

We live on an old riverbank and our driveway slopes down to the road now covering the west branch of Dugway Brook. This slope has caused us much frustration over the years but hey, we chose the house and probably ought to enjoy it.

One of our problems is that we don't like to shovel snow. We live in the snowbelt and don't see much point in shoveling snow only to have to do it again a few hours later. Besides, we have a 4wd SUV and why bother? So we hired a neighborhood boy (our own) to take care of the driveway.

Sometimes he doesn't get to it fast enough and the car will compress the snow to become a double ribbon of ice. This requires extra equipment (a different kind of shovel) and extra work. Seriously, if it wasn't for the need to drive to church and piano lessons, I'd just leave the cars (and the snow) in the driveway until May.

Combine this problem with a sick snow-shoveling boy earlier in the week and you end up with a glacier.

With today's high expected in the mid-40s, I thought I'd finish up chipping away at the glacier. Most of it had been removed earlier in the week: I'd spend an hour a day on it and get everything clear before I left Saturday on a short (but long) trip.

Suffice it to say that I got it done.


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