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All will be changed

I was in a church nursery once, well, probably more than once. I've been in multiple churches and multiple nurseries.

I've been in nurseries that weren't in churches and churches that had no nurseries.

I was probably in this one nursery in this particular church more than once, too, come to think of it.

Anyway, it had a sign in it, a poster. Probably in many church nurseries. Probably.

Never mind, I'll try to come to the point.

At least once, I saw a sign in a church nursery. And it said:

Not all will sleep
But all will be changed.

And while the meaning intended by the ink was certainly not the meaning intended by the author of the verse in Corinthians, it has stuck with me over the years.

And I think of it sometimes. As I change diapers. As I contemplate change. As I think about sleep.

And January seems a good month to think (and perhaps write) about change.


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