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Book: The Island Stallion's Fury

The Island Stallion's Fury (Black Stallion Series, Book 7) The Island Stallion's Fury by Walter Farley

My review

rating: 2 of 5 stars
My oldest son asked me to read this book, thinking that I'd enjoy it. For the most part, I did. I found the contrasts particularly interesting. Tom is painted evil from the first mention and only gets more stupid, fat and animal with every encounter. Flame, however, is his opposite: beautiful, intelligent and benevolent. We're never given a chance to like Tom and we're never given a chance to dislike Flame.

Overall, it's an "OK" book. My issues with it are more about what I like in a book than anything to do with the book.

View all my reviews.

Meanwhile, I continue to slog through The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene


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