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Pleasantly surprised: Anne DeChant

Distracted by a reorg at work today, a colleague and I went for a walk at lunch and ended up at the Euclid Arcade to get Vincenza's pizza for lunch. As we passed the cutover from the Euclid Arcade to the Colonial Arcade, I caught a glimpse of Anne DeChant, a frequent performer during Friday lunch. That's a pleasant surprise.

I was already looking forward to good food and good conversation, now I could add good music to the mix.

After picking up our pizza (I got two slices of Chicago Artichoke, my favorite), we walked over to the cutover and sat down opposite the Baseball Heritage Museum to talk, eat and listen.

Once we figured out the new org chart, we turned to listen. She's good. I don't always understand nor agree with all the lyrics but good live acoustic guitar is still good listening. We listened to "I love you Carolyn" and a few others before needing to head back to the office.

As we left (and dropped a couple bucks in her guitar case), we chatted a little bit, as always. One of her songs will be on TV tomorrow night. What she didn't tell us was that in April, she's moving to Nashville. That's an unpleasant surprise.

Her next time to be at the Euclid Arcade will be March 7th. I'd better schedule lunch with my colleague now.


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