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Happiness—one pair at a time

If only I'd known that happiness could be bought like a pair of socks, indeed, as a pair of socks.

My first clue should have been when my German Aunt & Uncle gave me a pair of black and one of blue wool socks with a nice pattern on them. Different from my standard blue, black or brown socks, I should have guessed that the good feeling I got while wearing them was related to my wearing them.

So one day I Googled for "funky socks", migrated to "argyle socks" and found the Men's category at SockDreams.com. I ordered five different pairs that day, three of which can be seen nearby.

They arrived Monday while I was at work. The next day while wearing a grey/green argyle (not pictured here), I heard from a co-worker how glad I must be that my black trousers reached my shoes (covering my socks). Wednesday was easier since my stripes matched the sweater I was wearing. In our weekly one-on-one meeting, my manager commented that I seemed noticeably happier. I informed her that she'd never guess why, and so flipped off my clog and twiddled my striped-covered toes over the edge of the table at her. She just busted out laughing. That was the day I was challenged by a colleague to wear the green argyles next. In desperation, I wrote the Sock Dreams website, asking for help in matching with my trousers and shoes. Contrary to their response (which arrived after I'd left for work Thursday), matching argyle socks to the rest of one's ensemble (men don't wear "outfits") feels quite tricky. I ended up choosing an olive pair of linen trousers and my black clogs.

Today, Friday, was blue argyles, blue shirt, khaki "Dockers", brown RedWings and a navy jacket. Nice.

While I suspect my happiness will be somewhat fleeting, morale was indeed higher this week. Stored in my dresser drawer for another day to be enjoyed, again and again. Who knew that happiness could be bought—one pair at a time!


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