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Book: Two in a boat

Two in a Boat: The True Story of a Marital Rite of Passage is an interesting read about a couple, oddly paired, who take on the adventure of cruising down to the Mediterranean from England. One of the things that makes it a good read is that the author (the wife in this pair) readily admits that she's fairly "messed up" (my term, not hers, she would be much more clinical about it). I bought the book 1) because it was at half-price books, 2) I usually like sea-going stories and 3) I'd like to go cruising with my wife someday and thought I'd learn something.

I did learn some things, both what to do and what not to do. The book ends tragically enough but before you get there, one realizes just what corporate America (or England, or anywhere) can do to a person's soul. You get a real glimpse into this couple's marriage and how things work and don't work. It's easy to empathize with both sides in this adventure and that helps make the book likable.

[11/27/2007 Update: Turns out the author's got a whole web site to herself and a page just for this book.]


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